What Is C.A.R.E.™?
A Proprietary Model SPC Has Designed to Evaluate Both Organizational Culture and Leadership Assessments.
Measures the presence of strength to make difficult decisions, challenge normative and momentum trends when necessary, and gain stakeholder buy-in through doing what is right.
Adaptability & Accountability
Measures an individual or organization’s ability to be nimble, their willingness to both listen and change, and hold each other accountable.
Assesses the perception around both individual people and corporations in their honesty, genuineness, humility and trust.
Looks at the existence of a passion for the business; from the broad organization to individual roles.
For Business
Through each of these characteristics, an organization will be able to determine where the culture is and measure both the strength of their leadership and the commitment levels of their employees.
For Individuals
Through each of these characteristics, an individual will be able to identify and challenge how they see themselves, how others perceive them, and develop strategies toward self improvement.
Engaged Workforces & More Profitable Business Operations
After benchmarking and working on strengthening your organization’s scores under the C.A.R.E.™ tenets, an organization will likely see improvements in employee retention, increases in employee referrals, lower recruiting costs, and a higher performance levels. Additionally, an organization that scores highly under the C.A.R.E.™ model would be extremely competitive for many of the national benchmarking competitions such as "Best Places to Work" programs.